Wednesday, October 11, 2006

OC.SendAppMail: New user introductory email

Author: Robert Lawson
Environment: Windows Server, Access/VBA, Microsoft SQL Server
Description: This code sends a new user an introductory orientation email for both email and phone/voice mail. The wording was crafted in conjunction with User Services to serve as basis for orientation training. For MS Exchange email, this email also forces the mailbox setup (known issue/consideration). The email orientation is sent upon account/mailbox creation (this also forces the Exchange mailbox setup). The phone orientation is sent when the phone is setup (when the Active Directory phone number is synced with the Cisco Unity system, see OC.CPRebuild).

- HTML form email, designed in DreamWeaver
- Personalized with variable substitution
- bcc copy to administrator and help desk


Public Sub SendAppMail(strID As String, strUType As String, strEmailType As String, bolOnLine As Boolean, intStatus2 As Integer)

' Sends email to users

' 11-Sept-2006 Robert Lawson Creation date

' 27-Dec-2007 Robert Lawson Updated for ADO

' strID Passed OneCard ID number

' strUType Passed User Type from GetUtype function

' strEmailType Passed Type of email: "NewEmailUser", "NewPhoneUser"

' bolOnLine Passed TRUE=you're interactive

' intstatus2 Returned 0=OK, <>0 You're not OK

On Error GoTo ErrorBegin

Dim strName As String

strName = "SendAppMail"

Dim strNETEmail As String, strFullName As String

Dim strLDCode As String, strCampusPhone As String

Dim strFrom As String, strTo As String, strBCC As String, strSubject As String, strBody As String

Dim strFile As String, strLine As String, strExt

Const conFullName = "#FULLNAME#"

Const conPhoneNumber = "#PHONENUMBER#"

Const conLDCode = "#LDCODE#"

Const conEmail = "#EMAIL#"

Const conEmailUserAdmin = ""

Const conPhoneUserAdmin = ",,"

Const conOneCardAdmin = ""

intStatus2 = 0

strMessage = conNoMessage

Call LoadSysDbconn(intStatus)

If intStatus <> 0 Then

strMessage = "Error calling LoadSysDbconn."

Err.Raise (vbObjectError + 10), , strMessage

GoTo ErrorBegin

End If

strTodayDate = Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")

' Valid type?

If Not (strEmailType = conEmailUser Or strEmailType = conPhoneUser) Then

strMessage = strName & ":invalid EmailType = " & strEmailType

intStatus2 = -10

GoTo ErrorBegin

End If

' Get person's info

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM OneCardMaster WHERE ID = '" & strID & "'"

Debug.Print strSQL

Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objRS.Open strSQL, conDbOneCard, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly ' read access

With objRS

If (.BOF Or .EOF) Then

strMessage = strName & ": Unable to get OneCardMaster record for ID = " & strID

intStatus2 = -20

GoTo ErrorBegin


strNETEmail = Nz(!NETEMail, "")

strFullName = Trim(Nz(!NameFirst, "")) & " " & Trim(Nz(!NameLast, ""))

strCampusPhone = Trim(Nz(!CampusPhone, ""))

End If

End With

Set objRS = Nothing

' Verify they have email address

If (Len(strNETEmail) = 0) Then

strMessage = strName & ": No email for ID = " & strID

intStatus2 = -30

GoTo ErrorBegin

End If

' Get Long Distance Code ***********************

If strEmailType = conPhoneUser Then

'strExt = Right(strCampusPhone, 4)

'strSQL = "SELECT code FROM FACInfo WHERE description = " & """" & strExt & """"

'Debug.Print strSQL

'Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

'If (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then

' StrMessage = strName & ": Unable to get Long Distance code for ID = " & strID

' intstatus2 = -1

' GoTo ErrorBegin

'End If

'strLDCode = rs!code


strLDCode = " "

End If

' Set correct variables for email type

If strEmailType = conEmailUser Then

strFile = "D:\Data\doc\OneCardNoticeMail.htm"

strTo = strNETEmail

strFrom = conOneCardAdmin

strBCC = conEmailUserAdmin

strSubject = "Your email information" & strFullName

ElseIf strEmailType = conPhoneUser Then

strFile = "D:\Data\doc\OneCardNoticePhone.htm"

strTo = strNETEmail

strFrom = conOneCardAdmin

strBCC = conPhoneUserAdmin

strSubject = "Your phone information" & strFullName

End If

' Open file for email body (it must be in HTML format)

strBody = ""

Open strFile For Input As #1

Do Until EOF(1)

Line Input #1, strLine

strBody = strBody & strLine


Close #1

' Debug.Print strBody

' Substitute variables

If strEmailType = conEmailUser Then ' conEmail

strBody = Replace(strBody, conFullName, strFullName)

strBody = Replace(strBody, conEmail, strNETEmail)

ElseIf strEmailType = conPhoneUser Then

strBody = Replace(strBody, conFullName, strFullName)

strBody = Replace(strBody, conPhoneNumber, strCampusPhone)

strBody = Replace(strBody, conLDCode, strLDCode)

End If

Call SendHTMLmail(strFrom, strTo, strBCC, strSubject, strBody, intStatus)

Debug.Print "intStatus = " & intStatus

' Write to trans log table

Call DoDataLog(strName, "IN", "SUB-USER", strEmailType & " email notification", "", strID, strID, bolOnLine)


Exit Sub


If intStatus2 = 0 Then ' General message

strMessage = "Error in " & strName & " " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " on strID = " & Nz(strID, "")

intStatus2 = -100 ' I'm NOT OK

End If

If bolOnLine Then MsgBox strMessage

Call DoEventLog("ERR", strName, 500, strMessage, True, bolOnLine)

GoTo ExitBegin

End Sub

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