Environment: Windows Server, Access/VBA, Microsoft SQL Server, Exchange
Description: This code is part of the Active Directory and Cisco Unity phone number synchronization. This code establishes the relationship between the AD account and the Unity voicemail number, which is considered the same as phone number. The results are then compared, in another piece of code, to the existing phones number. If the old phone number is not set, then this is considered a newly established phone number and an introductory email is sent to the user: see OC.SendAppMail.
- Phone number shows in Exchange email address book
- Converts 4 digit extension into common format with area code: aaa-ppp-dddd
- Newly assigned phone number initiates introductory email to user.
Public Sub CPRebuild(intStatus As Integer)
' Rebuild the phone table
' intStatus Returned 0=OK, <>0 You're not OK
On Error GoTo ErrorBegin
Dim strName As String
strName = "CPRefresh"
' Local
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim Com As ADODB.Command
Dim rx As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strDomain As String
Dim strsamAccountName As String, strSMTPUser As String
Dim Kount As Double
intStatus = 0 ' I'm OK
If Not bolDBSetup Then Call CPSetup
Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set Com = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
'Opening the connection
con.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" 'this is the ADSI OLE-DB provider name
con.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set Com.ActiveConnection = con 'Create a command object for this connection
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM CampusPhoneDetail"
Debug.Print strSQL
Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open strSQL, conDbOneCard, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic ' write access
With objRS
' ciscoEcsbuTransferId = transferid, ciscoEcsbuDtmfId=extension
' strNETADDomain = "OU=Users,OU=Aliso Viejo,DC=soka,DC=edu"
' only get those with an extension
strSQL = "SELECT samAccountName, employeeID, ciscoEcsbuDtmfId" & _
" FROM 'LDAP://" & strNETADDomain & "'" & " WHERE ciscoEcsbuDtmfId = '*' AND homeMDB='*'"
Debug.Print strSQL
Com.CommandText = strSQL
Set rx = Com.Execute
Kount = 0
If (rx.BOF Or rx.EOF) Then
intStatus = 10
strMessage = strName & ": no extensions found in Active directory."
GoTo ErrorBegin
End If
Do While Not (rx.BOF Or rx.EOF)
Kount = Kount + 1
strExtension = Trim(Nz(rx.Fields("ciscoEcsbuDtmfId"), ""))
strNETUser = Nz(rx.Fields("samAccountName"), "")
' Debug.Print "samAccountName " & rx.Fields("samAccountName")
If Len(Trim(strExtension)) > 0 Then ' Only get Unity extensions
strNETUser = Nz(rx.Fields("samAccountName"), "")
strID = Nz(rx.Fields("employeeID"), "")
Call CPPhone(intStatus) ' CRule, Extension, PhoneNumber
If intStatus = -2 Then
' OK, just not classified, but error was reported, keep on truckin'
ElseIf intStatus <> 0 Then
intStatus = 22
strMessage = strName & ": CPPhone failed on NETUser = " & strNETUser
GoTo ErrorBegin
End If
!NETUser = strNETUser
!ID = strID
!CRule = strCRule
!Extension = strExtension
!PhoneNumber = strPhoneNumber
End If
End With
Set objRS = Nothing
Debug.Print "End of " & strName & " proceseed records: " & Kount
Exit Sub
If intStatus = 0 Then ' General message
strMessage = "Error in " & strName & " " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
intStatus = -100 ' I'm NOT OK
End If
If bolOnLine Then MsgBox strMessage
Call DoEventLog("ERR", strName, 500, strMessage, True, bolOnLine)
GoTo ExitBegin
End Sub
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