Thursday, June 1, 2006

EASNearQuotaEmail.vbs: Email over quota notice

Author: Robert Lawson
Environment: SQL Server, Windows Server, vb-script, EAS, Exchange
Description: This script is run as nightly job to notify users if their email EAS mailbox storage is nearing quota. The assumption is that the EAS storage for email attachments will fill up first and that the users have been getting a weekly report of the usage: EASUsageAudit.vbs
- Configurable quota to begin sending notification
- Custom wording to send in email
- bcc notification to administrator(s) of email sent
- Write to application event log for easy trouble-shooting

Code Listing:


' FILE: EASNearQuotaEmail.vbs

' AUTHOR: Robert Lawson

' COMPANY: Soka University of America

' DATE: 6/01/2006 Robert Lawson, Creation Date

' 11/12/2006 Added EAS VIEW_STORAGE_BY_USER_REF2, not "as" correct,

' but is used for enforcing quota.

' COMMENT: Audit EAS Usage and notification

' - Set value of "conSendMail" if you send mail or not, also conDEBUG

' - Relies heavily on t-sql view VWEASUserQuotaUsage

' - Server run on has to be allow SMTP relay on Exchange

' - VWEASUserQuotaUsage can not calc percent, must be done in program


option explicit

On Error Resume Next

const conScriptName = "EASNearQuotaEmail.vbs"

const conDEBUG = TRUE

const conSendMail = FALSE ' TRUE = will send email, FALSE=will not

Dim objShell, strMsg, intLoc

Dim objConn, objRS, objRS2, strSQL, strConn

Dim numQuotaSize, numMsgSize, numEASPct, numMsgCount


Dim strQuotaSize, strMsgSize, strEASPct, strUserName

Dim strMailBody, numCount, numUsers, strUSERID, strDetail, strQuotaDesc

Dim iMsg, iConf, Flds

Dim strTo, strBCC, strCC, strFrom, strSubject, strTextBody

Const conEASQuotaUnlimited = -1

Const conMaxEASNotificationPct = .95 ' EAS percent to warn at (1=100%)

' Do not set your smtp server information here.

Const cdoSendUsingMethod = "", _

cdoSendUsingPort = 2, _

cdoSMTPServer = ""

Const conSMTPserver = ""

Const conFromUser = ""

Const conEmailAdminUser = "" ' comma seperated

' Setup

Set objShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

' Write event log that you started

strMsg = conScriptName & ": Begin execution"

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg

' Email stuff (SMTP)

Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

iConf.Fields.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort

iConf.Fields.Item(cdoSMTPServer) = conSMTPserver


' DB stuff

Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Set objRS2 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; SERVER=YourServer; DATABASE=DBname;Integrated Security = SSPI"

objConn.Open strConn

' Get summary for active EAS users with space used

strSQL = "SELECT USERID, UserName, QuotaSize, QuotaType, Email, MsgCount, MsgSize " & _

"FROM VWEASUserQuotaUsage"

strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE QuotaSize > 0" ' Not unlimited

' strSQL = strSQL & " AND USERID = 497" ' **** DEBUG ****

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo "strSQL = " & strSQL

objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, 2

if (objRS.BOF or objRS.EOF) then

strMsg = conScriptName & ": No EAS records to process"

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg


end if

numUsers = 0

do while not objRS.EOF




if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo "strSQL = " & strSQL

objRS2.Open strSQL, objConn, 2

if (objRS2.BOF or objRS2.EOF) then

strMsg = conScriptName & ": Unable to open VIEW_STORAGE_BY_USER_REF2 for user " & strUSERID

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg

WScript.Quit '******????

end if

numREF_COUNT = cDbl(objRS2("REF_COUNT")) ' EAS Total email count



strUserName = RTRIM(objRS("UserName"))

numQuotaSize = cDbl(objRS("QuotaSize"))

' numMsgCount = cDbl(objRS("MsgCount")) Use numREF_COUNT

' numMsgSize = cDbl(objRS("MsgSize")) Use numUNCOMPRESSEDSIZESUM

if numQuotaSize <= 0 then numEASPct = 1.0 else numEASPct = numUNCOMPRESSEDSIZESUM / numQuotaSize end if if numEASPct > conMaxEASNotificationPct then

numUsers = numUsers + 1

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo "--USERID/Name = " & strUSERID & "/" & strUserName & " pct: " & numEASPct

if numQuotaSize = conEASQuotaUnlimited then

strQuotaDesc = " (Unlimited)"

strEASPct = " "


strQuotaDesc = " "

strEASPct = FormatPercent(numEASPct,0,false,false,true)

end if

strMsgSize = FormatNumber(numUNCOMPRESSEDSIZESUM,0,false,false,true)

strQuotaSize = FormatNumber(numQuotaSize,0,false,false,true)

strMsgCount = FormatNumber(numREF_COUNT,0,false,false,true)

' Create header FormatNumber(objRS("QuotaSize"),0,false,false,true)

strMailBody = ""

strMailBody = _

"You have received this message because your mailbox is approaching its size limit." & vbCrLF & _

"Your mailbox size is currently " & strEASPct & " full (size (MB): " & strMsgSize & "; limit (MB): " & strQuotaSize & "). " & _

"When your mailbox fills up you will not be able to send nor receive any more email. " & _

"Please do the following to reduce mailbox volume:" & vbCrLF & _

"1. Delete items in the Sent-Items folder" & vbCrLF & _

"2. Empty the Deleted-Items folder" & vbCrLF & _

"3. Sort messages by the attachment icon and delete messages with large attachments" & vbCrLF & _

"Mailbox space can be freed up most efficiently by focusing on deleting emails with attachments. In most cases a large portion of a mailbox’s volume is occupied by a collection of emails with attachments like photos, music, videos and scans. This also includes emails you sent to others and remain in your “Sent Items” folder. Note the mailbox size and limits refer to the EAS system." & vbCrLF & _

"Thank you" & vbCrLF & "SUA-Email-Administrators" & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & _

"source: " & conScriptName & vbCrLF

' Prep email

strTo = objRS("Email")

strBCC = conEmailAdminUser

strCC = ""

strFrom = conFromUser

strSubject = "Your Mailbox is Approaching its Size Limit" & strUserName

strTextBody = strMailBody

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMailBody

' Send thu sucku

if conSendMail then

With iMsg

Set .Configuration = iConf

.To = strTo

if len(strBCC) > 0 then .BCC = strBCC

if len(strCC) then .CC = strCC

.From = strFrom

.Subject = strSubject

.TextBody = strTextBody

End With

iMsg.Send ' send the message.

if err.number <> 0 then

intLoc = 5

strMsg = conScriptName & ": Error @ " & intLoc & ". smtp mail send failed for " & strUSERID


else ' at some point write to db log

strMsg = conScriptName & ": email sent to " & strTo & ", subject: " & strSubject

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg

end if ' ierr

end if ' conSendMail

end if ' numEASPct



Loop ' All users

strMsg = conScriptName & ": end execution. Total emails sent = " & numUsers

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg



' ======================================================

Function DoError(strErrMsg)

On Error Resume Next

Dim objShell

' wscript.Echo strErrMsg

Set objShell=CreateObject("")

objShell.LogEvent 1,strErrMsg

End Function

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