Monday, December 25, 2006

dsq1.bat: common AD queries

Author: Robert Lawson
Environment: Windows Server, Active Directory
Description: These are the most common queries I use to gather information from Active Directory, and usually import results into Excel for auditing and/or reporting. I do save most common OU's to simply cut-and-paste, else I'll use ADSI-edit to get the OU. I simply remove the REM from query I want to use, then execute as such:

- Stale passwords: report users who password is due to expire, call and educate before it expires. I did this for 1 year… no longer an issue
- Inactive computers: monitored for a year, removed manually. Then on negotiating with User Services, agreed to 9month and automatically remove.
- Mailbox store: audit that conventions were being followed: students, employees, non-named accounts, inactive…
- Group membership: quick way to get e-list of members
- Security: members of Domain Admin, Enterprise Admin..
- Ad hoc queries: total number of active students, employees….

rem file   : dsq1.bat
rem purpose: AD Query's
rem create : 25-dec-2006/r lawson
rem notes
rem - un-REM query you want to use
rem - execute to verify no syntax error
rem - dsq1.cmd>dsq1.txt
rem - Import dsq1.txt into Excel for reporting

rem computers, in AV, inactive for 1 year
rem dsquery computer "DC=school,DC=edu" -inactive 52 -limit 0 dsget computer -samid -dn

rem all computer names
rem dsquery computer "OU=AvServers,OU=location,DC=school,DC=edu" -limit 0 dsget computer -samid

rem computers, inactive for x weeks
rem dsquery computer "OU=Computer Accounts,DC=school,DC=edu" -limit 0 dsget computer -samid -sid -desc -loc
rem dsquery computer "OU=Computer Accounts,DC=school,DC=edu" -o rdn -limit 0 -inactive 12
rem dsquery * "OU=Computers,OU=Calabasas,DC=school,DC=edu" -attr cn operatingSystem operatingSystemServicePack lastlogonTimeStamp -limit 0

rem users, in Calabasas campus, with disabled accounts
rem dsquery user "OU=Calabasas,DC=school,DC=edu" -disabled -limit 0

rem all users, inactive for 1 year
rem dsquery user "DC=school,DC=edu" -inactive 26 -limit 0 dsget user -samid -display -disabled -dn

rem all users, who have not changed pw for 60 days
rem dsquery user "DC=school,DC=edu" -stalepwd 60 -limit 0
rem users who's password will expire in 5 days (90-85)
rem dsquery user "OU=Staff,OU=Users,OU=location,DC=school,DC=edu" -stalepwd 83 -limit 0 dsget user -samid -email -empid -display -title -dept -tel -office -disabled -canchpwd -pwdneverexpires -acctexpires -mustchpwd

rem all email enabled users
rem dsquery * "DC=school,DC=edu" -filter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User)(homeMDB=*)) " -attr sAMAccountName displayName distinguishedName homeMDB userAccountControl -limit 0

rem all Users in an OU
dsquery * "OU=Students,DC=school,DC=edu" -filter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User))" -attr sAMAccountName displayName givenName description sn employeeID employeeNumber department homeMDB userAccountControl -limit 0

rem another form of users in an OU
rem dsquery user "OU=janitors,OU=location,DC=school,DC=edu" -limit 0 dsget user -samid -display -disabled -canchpwd -pwdneverexpires -acctexpires

rem single user, display info
rem dsquery user "CN=edummy,OU=Consultants And Temporary Users,OU=All AV Employees,OU=location,DC=school,DC=edu" dsget user -samid -display -disabled -canchpwd -pwdneverexpires -acctexpires

rem get members of a group
rem dsquery group "OU=ADgroups,OU=location,DC=school,DC=edu" -name "grpUGClassOf2012"dsget group -members -expanddsget user -samid -fn -ln -title -dept -disabled -mustchpwd -pwdneverexpires

rem groups
rem dsquery * "OU=ADgroups,OU=location,DC=school,DC=edu" -filter "(&(objectCategory=Group)(objectClass=Group))" -limit 0 -attr sAMAccountName displayName name description mail member

rem users 1: AD attributes, LDAP filter
rem dsquery * "DC=school,DC=edu" -filter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User))" -limit 0 -attr sAMAccountName displayName employeeID employeeNumber userAccountControl delivContLength submissionContLength mdbUseDefaults mDBStorageQuota mDBOverHardQuotaLimit msExchHideFromAddressLists memberOf

rem Users 2: AD attributes
rem dsquery * "OU=Students,OU=location,DC=school,DC=edu" -limit 0 -attr sAMAccountName displayName employeeID employeeNumber telephoneNumber ciscoEcsbuDtmfId physicalDeliveryOfficeName createTimeStamp whenCreated department title userAccountControl msExchHideFromAddressLists mail protocolSettings homeMDB memberOf

rem Users 3: Query elements
rem dsquery user "OU=NewStudents,OU=Users,DC=school,DC=edu" -limit 0 dsget user -samid -email -empid -display -title -dept -tel -office -disabled -pwdneverexpires -acctexpires -mustchpwd

rem Users 3: Query elements, brief
rem dsquery user "OU=NewStudents,DC=school,DC=edu" -limit 0 dsget user -samid -fn -ln

rem computers with bogus container setting

rem dsquery * "OU=Computer Accounts,DC=school,DC=edu" -limit 0 -attr sAMAccountName CN msDS-Approx-Immed-Subordinates memberOf

rem find oddities with T/S (doesn't seem to work May 2006)
rem dsquery * "OU=Users,DC=school,DC=edu" -limit 0 -attr sAMAccountName displayName department title scriptPath TerminalServicesProfilePath TerminalServicesHomeDirectory TerminalServicesHomeDrive TerminalServicesWorkDirectory TerminalServicesInitialProgram

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert,

Thanks for sharing your insightful thoughts and suggestions - very helpful, and appreciated indeed.

On a related note, recently we needed a quick and efficient way to find out which accounts were OWA enabled (for an internal security audit) so we asked our on-site MS consultant and he recommended using the Gold Finger from Paramount Defenses Inc.

Gold Finger pleasantly surprised us because not only was it endorsed by Microsoft but also 100% FREE and loaded with almost 250 useful Active Directory security, Exchange and ACL management reports. BTW, you can download it for free from

In particular, it has over 60 inbuilt Exchange reports, including OWA and MAPI enabled accounts. For a complete list of reports, checkout

Thought I'd share this with you incase it could help you too, especially if you need a free way to generate Exchange and AD security reports.

Thanks again, and looking forward to your next post.

Best wishes,