Wednesday, June 4, 2008

MSUagageReport.vbs: User report of network storage

Author: Robert Lawson
Environment: Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server
Description: This script report is run weekly and gives each network user a recap and detail of their personal network share usage. This report is run after the process 'x' has gotten the network detail into an MS SQL database, which simplifies access and reporting. Any errors are written to the application event log to help trouble shooting.
Sample Report:


' FILE: MSUagageReport.vbs

' AUTHOR: Robert Lawson

' COMPANY: Soka University of America

' DATE: 6/04/2008 Robert Lawson, Creation Date


' - Reports on information summared in SQL database by OneCard: MSrefresh

' - Server run on has to be allow SMTP relay on Exchange


option explicit

On Error Resume Next

const conScriptName = "MSUagageReport.vbs"

const conSendMail = FALSE ' TRUE = will send email, FALSE=will not

strCSSfile = "C:\data\vbscript\MSUagageReportCSS.html" ' Figure out to get from same dir as this script

' strCSSfile = "D:\Tech\MSUagageReportCSS.html" ' Figure out to get from same dir as this script

const conDEBUG = TRUE ' TRUE = SQL and displays, FALSE= full SQL and no displays

const conUDriveKey = 0 ' Key value for UDrive

Dim objShell, strMsg, intLoc

Dim strCSSfile, strHTML, strHTMLCSS, strTempFile

Dim objFile, fso, objFileTemp

Dim objConn, objRS, objRS2, objRS3, strSQL, strConn

' Data

Dim strSource, strType, strAsOf, strName, strEmail

Dim strID, strNETUser, strNameFirst, strNameLast, strNETEmail

Dim strDtlFile, strDtlFolder, strDtlDateCreate, strDtlLastAccess

Dim strTypelist, strTotCount, strTotSize

Dim numTotCount, numTotSize, numCutOffSize

Dim numPctUsed, numSize, numCount, numDtlSize, numQuota

Dim strPctUsed, strSize, strCount, strDtlSize, strQuota, strCutOffSize

Dim numSourceK, numUserK

Dim datAsOf, datDtlDateCreate, datDtlLastAccess

Dim datStartDate

' SMTP email

Dim strTo, strBCC, strCC, strFrom, strSubject, strTextBody

Const conMaxDetailLines = " Top 30 "

Const conDtlFolderMax = 34

Const conDtlFileMax = 23

Const conUdriveSource = 0 ' This is agreed upon (with myself) #

Const conFromUser = "" ' valid email if you want user to reply

Const conEmailAdminUser = "" ' comma seperated

Const ForReading = 1 ' FSO

' ============================================================

' Setup

' ============================================================

Set objShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

' Write event log that you started

strMsg = "BEGIN: " & conScriptName

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg

' DB stuff

Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Set objRS2 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Set objRS3 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; SERVER=ServerName; DATABASE=DBname;Integrated Security = SSPI"

objConn.Open strConn

' ============================================================

' Load initial XHTML: CSS

' ============================================================

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strCSSfile, ForReading)

if objFile > 0 then

strHTMLCSS = objFile.ReadAll

'if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo "+objFile = " & strHTML


Wscript.Echo conScriptName & ". ERROR: Unable to open CSS file: " & strCSSfile


end if

strTempFile = "C:\temp\MSUagageReport.html"

Set objFileTemp = fso.CreateTextFile(strTempFile, 2,TRUE)

' ============================================================

' Find out about the source

' ============================================================

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM MSsource WHERE SourceK = " & conUDriveSource

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo "strSQL = " & strSQL

objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, 2

if (objRS.BOF or objRS.EOF) then

strMsg = conScriptName & ": Unable to get source info: " & conUDriveSource

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg


end if

numCutOffSize = objRS("CutOffSize")


Select Case numCutOffSize

Case 1024 : strCutOffSize = "1KB"

Case 1048576 : strCutOffSize = "1MB"

Case 1073741824 : strCutOffSize = "1GB"

Case Else strCutOffSize = "?"

End Select

' ============================================================

' Get all users for a source, then detail and email'em

' ============================================================

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM MSuser WHERE SourceK = " & conUDriveSource

'strSQL = strSQL & " AND NETUser IN ('sleepy','dopey','sneezy')" '******** DEBUG ************

if conDEBUG then strSQL = strSQL & " AND NETUser IN ('sleepingb')"

if conDEBUG then strSQL = "SELECT * FROM MSuser WHERE SourceK = 3"

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo "strSQL = " & strSQL

objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, 2

if (objRS.BOF or objRS.EOF) then

strMsg = conScriptName & ": No MS users to process for source " & conUDriveSource

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg


end if

strDateTime = Date & " " & Time

numUsers = 0

do while not objRS.EOF

strNETUser = objRS("NETUser")

strID = objRS("ID")

strSource = objRS("Source")

datStartDate = objRS("StartDate")

numSourceK = objRS("SourceK")

numUserK = objRS("UserK")

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo "--Working on NETUser = " & strNETUser

numUsers = numUsers + 1

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM OneCardMaster WHERE ID = '" & strID & "'"

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strSQL

objRS2.Open strSQL, objConn, 2

if (objRS2.BOF or objRS2.EOF) then

strMsg = conScriptName & ": Unable to open OneCardMaster for ID " & strID

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg


end if

strNameFirst = TRIM(objRS2("NameFirst"))

strNameLast = TRIM(objRS2("NameLast"))

strNETEmail = objRS2("NETEmail")

strNETUser = objRS2("NETuser")


' ============================================================

' Build header

' ============================================================

numSize = objRS("FileSpace")

numCount = objRS("FileCount")

numQuota = objRS("FileQuota")

' Quota and Pct Used

if numQuota = -1 then

strQuota = "Unlimited"

strPctUsed = "_"

elseif numQuota = -2 then

strQuota = "Not Set"

strPctUsed = "_"


strQuota = pad(FormatNumber(numQuota,0,false,false,true),"r",10)

if numSize <> -1 then

numPctUsed = (numSize/numQuota)

strPctUsed = FormatPercent(numPctUsed,0,false,false,true)

end if

end if

if numSize <> -1 then

strSize = pad(FormatNumber(numSize,0,true,false,true),"r",10)


strSize = "???/Error"

end if

' Create header

strName = strNameFirst & " " & strNameLast

strEmail = strNETEmail

'strEmail = "" ' ***** DEBUG

strCount = pad(FormatNumber(numCount,0,true,false,true),"r",10)

strAsOf = FormatDateTime(datStartDate, vbShortDate)

strHTML = strHTMLCSS ' Initialize

strHTML = strHTML & "

strHTML = strHTML & "

strHTML = strHTML & "


strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & "
strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "
" & strPctUsed & "" & strSize & "" & strQuota & "" & strCount & "" & strSource & "" & strAsOf & "

' ============================================================

' Build detail lines

' ============================================================

strSQL = "SELECT " & conMaxDetailLines & _

" * FROM MSUserFile WHERE SourceK = " & numSourceK & " AND UserK = " & numUserK & _


if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo "strSQL = " & strSQL

objRS3.Open strSQL, objConn, 2

strHTML = strHTML & "

strHTML = strHTML & "


strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & ""

numCount = 0
do while not objRS3.EOF
numCount = numCount + 1

numDtlSize = objRS3("Size")
if numDtlSize > 0 then numDtlSize = (numDtlSize / 1024) ' KB to MB
strDtlFile = objRS3("FileName") ' conDtlFileMax
if LEN(strDtlFile) > conDtlFileMax THEN
' strDtlFile = LEFT(strDtlFile,10) & "..." & RIGHT(strDtlFile,(conDtlFileMax - 13)) ***************
End if
strDtlFolder = objRS3("Folder") ' conDtlFolderMax
strDtlFolder = REPLACE(strDtlFolder, strSource,"")
if LEN(strDtlFolder) > conDtlFolderMax THEN
' strDtlFolder = "..." & RIGHT(strDtlFolder,(conDtlFolderMax - 3)) *****************
End if
datDtlDateCreate = objRS3("CreateDate")
datDtlLastAccess = objRS3("LastAccess")
strDtlSize = pad(FormatNumber(numDtlSize,0,false,false,true),"r",7)

strDtlLastAccess = FormatDateTime(datDtlLastAccess, vbShortDate)
strDtlDateCreate = FormatDateTime(datDtlDateCreate, vbShortDate)
'strDtlFolder = pad(strDtlFolder, "l", conDtlFolderMax) **********************
'strDtlFile = pad(strDtlFile, "l", conDtlFileMax) ********************

strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""


Loop ' Detail lines

strHTML = strHTML & "
strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "
" & strDtlSize & "" & strDtlFile & "" & strDtlFolder & "" & strDtlDateCreate & "" & strDtlLastAccess & "


' ============================================================

' File Extension Recep

' ============================================================

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM MSUserFileExtSum " & _

" WHERE SourceK = " & numSourceK & " AND UserK = " & numUserK & _


if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo "strSQL = " & strSQL

objRS3.Open strSQL, objConn, 2

strHTML = strHTML & "

strHTML = strHTML & "


strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & ""

numCount = 0
' Type,Typelist,TotCount,TotSize
do while not objRS3.EOF
numCount = numCount + 1

strType = objRS3("Type")
strTypelist = objRS3("Typelist")
numTotCount = objRS3("TotCount")
numTotSize = objRS3("TotSize")

strTotCount = pad(FormatNumber(numTotCount,0,false,false,true),"r",7)
strTotSize = pad(FormatNumber(numTotSize,0,false,false,true),"r",7)

strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""

strHTML = strHTML & ""


Loop ' File type

strHTML = strHTML & "
strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "strHTML = strHTML & "
" & strType & "" & strTotSize & "" & numTotCount & "" & strTypelist & "


' Disclaimer stuff

strHTML = strHTML & "

strHTML = strHTML & "This report is a recap of your Soka Udrive account, intended for your personal use and review. The detail of your largest files, sorted by size, is to help you keep tabs on 'the big ones'. Note that only files larger than " & strCutOffSize & " are considered in count and detail report. Files and folders too large to display will be abbreviated with a set of periods. If you have any questions or concerens, please call the IT Help Desk at 949.480.6666 or send an email to"

strHTML = strHTML & "

" & strDateTime & "; " & conScriptName & "


strHTML = strHTML & "" ' *** END

' ============================================================

' Create email

' ============================================================

if numCount > 0 then

strTo = strEmail

if conDEBUG then strBCC = conEmailAdminUser

strCC = ""

strFrom = conFromUser

strSubject = "U Drive Summary" & conMaxDetailLines & "" & strNETUser

else ' You had summary record with no supporting detail

strTo = conEmailAdminUser

strBCC = ""

strCC = ""

strFrom = conFromUser

strSubject = "Failure to Email User:" & strNETUser & ", No supporting detal"

end if

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strHTML

' Set the message properties.

if conSendMail then

Call SendMail(strFrom,strTo,strCC,strBCC,strSubject,strHTML,TRUE)

strMsg = conScriptName & ": Mailed: " & strName & " @ " & strSubject & _

"; Size: " & strSize & "; Limit: " & strLimit & "; Count: " & strCount

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg

end if


Loop ' All users

strMsg = conScriptName & ": end execution. Total emails sent = " & numUsers

if conDEBUG then Wscript.Echo strMsg

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg

' ============================================================

' The End

' ============================================================

strMsg = "END: " & conScriptName

if conDEBUG then

Wscript.Echo strMsg


End if

objShell.LogEvent 0,strMsg



Set objFile = nothing

Set objFile = nothing

' ======================================================

Function DoError(strErrMsg)

On Error Resume Next

Dim objShell

if conDEBUG then wscript.Echo strErrMsg

Set objShell=CreateObject("")

objShell.LogEvent 1,strErrMsg

End Function

' ======================================================

Function pad(strString, strWay, numLen)

' Padd out a passed string

' strWay "r" right, "l" left pad

' numLen overall size you want

Dim numLenVar, numDelta

numLenVar = LEN(strString)

if numLenVar > numLen then

pad = LEFT(strString,numLen)

Exit Function

elseif numLenVar = numLen then

pad = strString

Exit Function

end if

numDelta = numLen - numLenVar

if strWay = "l" then

pad = strString & String(numDelta, " ")

else ' "r"

pad = string(numDelta," ") & strString

end if

End Function

' ==================================================

' SUB: SendMail

' ===================================================

Sub SendMail(sFromAddress, sToAddress, sCcAddress, sBccAddress, sSubject, sBody, bolHTML)

' FILE: SampleEmail.vbs

' PURPOSE: Send SMTP email, html or text, supporting Asian Languages (UTF-8)

' AUTHOR: Robert Lawson

' COMPANY: Soka University of America

' DATE: 08-May-2008 Robert Lawson, Creation Date

' From'

on error resume next

Const cdoDispositionNotificationTo = "urn:schemas:mailheader:disposition-notification-to"

Const cdoReturnReceiptTo = "urn:schemas:mailheader:return-receipt-to"

dim cdoMessage, cdoConfiguration

Set cdoConfiguration = CreateObject ("CDO.Configuration")

With cdoConfiguration

.Fields("") = ""

.Fields("") = 25

.Fields("") = 2

.Fields("") = 60


End With

Set cdoMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

With cdoMessage

' Update the CDOSYS Configuration (don't make 1 line!!!)

SET .Configuration = cdoConfiguration

.BodyPart.charset = "unicode-1-1-utf-8"


.From = sFromAddress

.ReplyTo = sFromAddress

.To = sToAddress

.Cc = sCcAddress

.Bcc = sBccAddress

.Subject = sSubject

if bolHTML then

.HTMLBody = sBody


.Textbody = sBody

end if


End With

Set cdoMessage = Nothing

Set cdoConfiguration = Nothing

End Sub

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