Friday, July 27, 2001

OC.basLinkTables: Link Database Tables

Author: Robert Lawson
Environment: Windows Server, Access/VBA, Microsoft SQL Server
Description: This code module links database tables to the MS Access database file, and is part of the OneCard system. The tables names and access information are stored in local tables, including production and test access. MS Access requires tables to be mapped for use with forms, queries or reports. Note that the same access information is also used for ODBC-less access. Use within Immediate Window: call linktables("PROD")
- Quick and easy way to move between test and production data sets
- Table driven, easy to add and remove references
- Connection for test and production databases is table driven
Sample Data:

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

' basLinkTables

Dim strName As String

Dim strMessage As String

Dim strSQL As String

Dim intStatus As Integer

Dim strConnect As String ' Connect string

Const conNoMessage = "?"

Public Sub LinkTables(strDBname As String)

' Link data tables

' Name Description

' DBname Passed DB name set: PROD, TEST

' 27-JUL-2001 Robert Lawson

' 03-Jan-2008 Robert Lawson Rewrote

strName = "LinkTables"

On Error GoTo ErrorBegin

' System

Dim objConn As ADODB.Connection

Dim objRS As ADODB.Recordset, objRS2 As ADODB.Recordset, objRS3 As ADODB.Recordset

Dim strFile As String

' Local

Dim intStatus As Integer

Dim strSource As String, strdbConn As String

Dim strDatabase As String, strServer As String, strConn As String

Dim strTableName As String, strLinkName As String

strMessage = conNoMessage

Set objConn = CurrentProject.Connection

' ============================================

Debug.Print "01. Check if passed DB OK"

' ============================================

If Len(Trim(Nz(strDBname, ""))) = 0 Then

MsgBox "ERR: No databse passed"

GoTo ExitBegin

End If

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM SysDBConn WHERE DBName = '" & strDBname & "'"

Debug.Print strSQL

Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly ' read access

With objRS

If (.EOF Or .BOF) Then

MsgBox "ERR: Invalid databse passed"

GoTo ExitBegin

End If

End With

Set objRS = Nothing

' ============================================

Debug.Print "02. Remove existing links"

' ============================================

Call RemoveLinks(intStatus)

If intStatus <> 0 Then

GoTo ExitBegin

End If

' ============================================

Debug.Print "03. Link Tables"

' ============================================

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM SysDBConn WHERE DBName = '" & strDBname & "'"

Debug.Print strSQL

Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly ' read access

With objRS

Do Until .EOF

strSource = objRS!Source

strServer = objRS!SERVER

strDatabase = objRS!Database

strConn = objRS!ConnLink

' ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=ServerName;DATABASE=DBname;Trusted_Connection=Yes

strdbConn = strConn & ";SERVER=" & strServer & ";DATABASE=" & strDatabase

strSQL = "SELECT * from SysTableLink WHERE SOURCE = """ & strSource & """"

Debug.Print strSQL

Set objRS2 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objRS2.Open strSQL, objConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly ' read access

Do Until objRS2.EOF

strTableName = objRS2!TableName

strLinkName = Nz(objRS2!LinkName, "")

Call LinkTable(strdbConn, strTableName, strLinkName, intStatus)

If intStatus <> 0 Then GoTo ExitBegin



Set objRS2 = Nothing



End With

Set objRS = Nothing

' ============================================

Debug.Print "04. Update SysInfo"

' ============================================

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM SysInfo"

Debug.Print strSQL

Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic ' write access

With objRS

!DBname = strDBname


End With

Set objRS = Nothing


Debug.Print strName & " completed successfully for " & strDBname

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in " & strName & " " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description

GoTo ExitBegin

End Sub

Public Sub LinkTable(strDBsource As String, strTableName As String, strLinkName As String, intStatus As Integer)

' link table

' 04-JUL-2001 Robert Lawson Creation Date

' 03-Jan-2008 Robert Lawson Rewrote

' Name Description

' strDBsource Passed Source where table is

' strTableName Passed Table name

' strLinkName Passed Name to use to link table, if blank, use TableName

' intStatus Returned Status, 0=OK, <>0 you are not OK


strName = "LinkTable"

On Error GoTo ErrorBegin

Dim Db As Database

Dim tdf As TableDef

Dim strLinkedTableName As String

intStatus = 0 ' We've only just begun

Set Db = CurrentDb()

' Figure linked table name

If Len(Trim(strLinkName)) = 0 Then

strLinkedTableName = strTableName


strLinkedTableName = strLinkName

End If

' Relink'em der logic

Set tdf = Db.CreateTableDef(strLinkedTableName)

With tdf

.Connect = strDBsource

.SourceTableName = strTableName

.Attributes = dbAttachSavePWD

Debug.Print "Name: "; .Name

Debug.Print "Connect: "; .Connect

Debug.Print "SourceTableName:"; .SourceTableName

Debug.Print "Attributes:"; .Attributes

End With

Db.TableDefs.Append tdf


Exit Sub


intStatus = -100

MsgBox "Error in " & ":" & strName & " " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description

GoTo ExitBegin

End Sub

Public Sub RemoveLinks(intStatus As Integer)

' Remove all links


' 01-Jan-2008 Robert Lawson Creation Date

' Name Description

' intStatus Returned Status, 0=OK, <>0 you are not OK

strName = "RemoveLinks"

On Error GoTo ErrorBegin

Dim Db As Database

Dim tdf As TableDef

Dim strLinkedTableName As String, strConn As String

intStatus = 0 ' We've only just begun

Set Db = CurrentDb()

For Each tdf In Db.TableDefs

strLinkedTableName = tdf.Name

strConn = Nz(tdf.Connect, "")

If Left(strLinkedTableName, 4) <> "MSys" Then

Debug.Print "Name: " & strLinkedTableName

Debug.Print "SourceTableName: " & tdf.SourceTableName

Debug.Print "Connect: " & tdf.Connect

Debug.Print "Attributes = " & tdf.Attributes

If Len(Trim(strConn)) > 0 Then

Debug.Print "Removing link for: " & strLinkedTableName

DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, strLinkedTableName

End If

End If



Exit Sub


intStatus = -100

MsgBox "Error in " & ":" & strName & " " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description

GoTo ExitBegin

End Sub

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